The Marine and Coastal Hub uses a federated network of data providers to deliver its research data outputs. Hub data may be published through the University of Tasmania's Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) data repository, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) eAtlas data repository, or a number of other Hub partner or discipline-specific repositories that meet the Hub's requirements for discovery and enduring access.

IMAS and eAtlas provide dedicated tools and workflows to support publication of Hub data. All Marine and Coastal Hub data is aggregated by the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). Through the AODN, the Hub data collection can be discovered and accessed in a central location.

All Hub projects follow FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) open data principles, with all data made available under licences that allow reuse. When working with Indigenous data, the Global Indigenous Data Alliance’s CARE principles for collective benefit, authority to control, responsibility and ethics, are complementarily applied.

The Marine and Coastal Hub, through its origins in the previous National Environmental Science Program Marine Biodiversity and Tropical Water Quality hubs, brings a broad and knowledgeable data management team to establish and build on existing principles, strategies, guidelines and infrastructure for both the hub and as a key participant in the broader marine science community.

The Hub Data Management Guide for Researchers provides a comprehensive and practical set of recommendations aimed at hub researchers and their collaborators. It is aimed to clarify expectations and support good data publishing practices for enhanced reusability. All project leaders are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the contents of this guide.

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Showing 38 of 38

Dataset – Project 2.3

Coral Sea Oceanic Vegetation

  • Oceanic vegetation derived from aerial imagery for select regions of the Coral Sea View in mapping portal

Dataset – Project 2.1

Habitat modelling of functional reef and broad-scale ecosystem components for temperate Australian waters

Dataset – Project 2.6

Mapping critical Australian sea lion habitat with animal-borne instruments

Dataset – Project 1.2

National Areas of Interest for Seabed mapping and biodiversity characterisation

Dataset – Project 1.3

Parks Australia’s Natural Values Ecosystems

Dataset – Project 2.3

Seamounts and raised seabed features of the Australian margin

Dataset – Project 3.3

Spatial inventory of publications for priority species in relation to Offshore Renewable Energy areas in Australia

Dataset – Project 1.3

Cumulative sum of pressures operating within Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone

Dataset – Project 1.3

Marine pressures operating within Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone

Dataset – Project 1.4

Predictions of dominant habitat from the South-west Corner Marine Park

Dataset – Project 1.4

Southwest Corner Marine Park shelf morphological features

Dataset – Project 1.10

Living Shorelines Project Database

Dataset – Project 1.12

Benthic habitats of Yanyuwa Sea Country, Barni – Wardimantha Awara Indigenous Protected Area, Gulf of Carpentaria, NT

Dataset – Project 1.13

Four Decades of Seagrass Spatial Data from Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria

Dataset – Project 1.18

Microplastics studies in Southeast Australian waters

Dataset – Project 1.22

Southern Right Whale photo-IDs