The Marine and Coastal Hub is funded by the Australian Government under the National Environmental Science Program. Research partnerships fostered by the hub deliver practical outcomes for Australia's marine and coastal environment and communities


Data inventory – Project 3.3

Offshore wind farm species inventory (Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia)

McLean D, Ierodiaconou D, Jordan A, Carroll A, Delefosse M, Depczynski M, Edge W, Flagg D, Gaudin C, Hansen, J, Huang Z, Klaassen M, Langlois T, Lester E, Mc Cormack S, Nanson R, Navarro M, Nichol S, Parsons M, Schläppy M-LS, Speed C, Spencer C, Sprogis K, Thums M, Young M, Todd V, Wells J, Wenderlich M (2024). Offshore wind farm species inventory. Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia. Research Report to the National Environmental Science Program.

Data inventory – Project 3.3

Offshore wind farm bathymetry and sediments inventory (Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia)

McLean D, Ierodiaconou D, Jordan A, Carroll A, Delefosse M, Depczynski M, Edge W, Flagg D, Gaudin C, Hansen, J, Huang Z, Klaassen M, Langlois T, Lester E, Mc Cormack S, Nanson R, Navarro M, Nichol S, Parsons M, Schläppy M-LS, Speed C, Spencer C, Sprogis K, Thums M, Young M, Todd V, Wells J, Wenderlich M (2024). Offshore wind farm bathymetry and sediments inventory. Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia. Research Report to the National Environmental Science Program.

Data inventory – Project 3.3

Offshore wind farm best practice inventory (Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia)

McLean D, Ierodiaconou D, Jordan A, Carroll A, Delefosse M, Depczynski M, Edge W, Flagg D, Gaudin C, Hansen, J, Huang Z, Klaassen M, Langlois T, Lester E, Mc Cormack S, Nanson R, Navarro M, Nichol S, Parsons M, Schläppy M-LS, Speed C, Spencer C, Sprogis K, Thums M, Young M, Todd V, Wells J, Wenderlich M (2024). Offshore wind farm best practice inventory. Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia. Research Report to the National Environmental Science Program.

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