Bax NJ [Ed.] (2011). Marine Biodiversity Hub, Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities, Final report 2007-2010. Report to Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Canberra, Australia.
The ocean hosts the greatest diversity of genes, species and ecosystems on the planet, from deep-sea vents and coral reefs to seagrass beds by the shore. The CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub has contributed a deeper knowledge of Australia’s marine biodiversity, as well as tools for its effective management. This report on the achievements of the Hub ends a three-year collaboration between the University of Tasmania, CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and Museum Victoria. It summarises extensive research on physical and biological aspects of Australia’s marine environment, as well as the functioning of marine systems. Studies of the interactions between biodiversity and marine activities have identified opportunities for improvements in management.