Technical report – CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub (2007 to 2010)

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Bax N (2011). CERF Report on Transition and Extension Program. Report to the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities Program (CERF), administered through the Australian Government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.


The Marine Biodiversity Hub (MBH) applied for transition funding to capitalise on investments made as part of the initial Hub funding and on additional work completed by Hub partners during that time. Products from the transition period include increasing the number of phyla available for national biodiversity mapping from one to four, providing uncertainty estimates for national biodiversity maps used in marine bioregional planning, extending statistical methods to apply to additional questions identified by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, SEWPaC (previously Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, DEWHA) and completing a gap analysis of biological and physical data for national biodiversity mapping. These new data and methods will be available to support the implementation of marine regional plans (especially in the Northwest), will test the existing predictive national biodiversity maps, and will provide the scientific basis for a possible IMCRA 5.0. In addition the Hub is proposing an active period of direct engagement with the Department (Marine, ERIN and Heritage), providing expert advice in response to specific Department requests, and bringing together workshops of expert scientists and natural resource managers to address specific questions identified by the Department (MPA monitoring, use of market-based instruments in conservation planning, additional support for managing threatened and endangered species, identification of areas of interest to Heritage listing). Ongoing communication with the Department and other stakeholders will be maximised through the use of an established knowledge broker and the Hub newsletter.


Development of further products from existing research.

Taking advantage of existing products and knowledge generated by the Hub to improve uptake in support of improved management.

Further development of market based instruments (MBIs) to support structural readjustment options Fishers’ adaptation.


Research aligned to future CERF program directions.

Extending national data holdings in preparation for future marine biodiversity research to support implementation of marine bioregional plans.

Extend statistical methods developed for marine biodiversity mapping to support further application to meet Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities’ needs.

Type of publication Technical report
Year of publication 2011