Jordan, A and Hedge, P [Eds] (2020) Marine Biodiversity Hub Impact Report. Synopsis of research impacts 2007–2020. December, 2020. Report to Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Canberra, Australia.
The Marine Biodiversity Hub commenced in 2007 as an Australian Government initiative to help decision-makers understand and conserve Australia’s unique marine biodiversity and manage sustainable use of the marine environment. It has since become an indispensable part of Australia’s national approach for advancing its blue economy. Across three consecutive funding programs the Hub has fostered enduring research partnerships to deliver fit-for-purpose scientific advice and tailored outputs to meet priority needs. Across its research activities, the Hub has progressively increased Indigenous engagement and partnerships in regionally focused projects to identify and advance Indigenous research interests and priorities. This report showcases the Hub’s impact across its three funding programs on the knowledge base and management activities of the Australian, state and territory governments, non-government organisations, marine researchers and industries.