Davies H N, Webb W, Webb I, Webb T, Guilfoyle D, Clohessy S, Griffin K, Langlois T (2022). The Cultural Seascape of Wadandi Boodja. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine Biodiversity Hub. The University of Western Australia.
This report is designed to provide cultural guidance for the understanding and management of the Australian Marine Parks on Wadandi Watturu Boodja – Saltwater Country Land and Sea. It is designed to inform managers, researchers and the general public.
Partnership with Wadandi Traditional Owners and Custodians for this region provided guidance through cultural maps and knowledge to inform the discovery of remarkable biodiversity across submerged ancient coastline features, that document the dynamic history of the region. A short film will complement this report and document how cultural information has guide researchers to understand the marine biodiversity of the region.
The cultural knowledge provided through partnership with Wadandi Traditional Owners and Custodians not only guided the discovery of remarkable biodiversity across submerged ancient coastline features but provided future guidance for managing the cultural and natural values of the marine parks that will be documented in future research through the National Environmental Science Programs Marine and Coastal Hub.