Historical publications – Marine Biodiversity Hub
Technical report – CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub (2007 to 2010)
Quantitative biological baseline surveys of shelf rocky reef biota in Commonwealth MPAs off Tasmania
N Barrett, TJ Anderson, BP Brooke, C Buchanan, M McArthur, I Atkinson, SL Nichol, SB Williams, J Hulls, GJ Edgar, NA Hill, J Seiler, CD Buxton (2009). Quantitative biological baseline surveys of shelf rocky reef biota in Commonwealth MPAs off Tasmania. Report to the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities (CERF) program, administered through the Australian Government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.
Technical report – NERP Marine Biodiversity Hub (July 2011 to December 2014)
Application of NERP Biodiversity Hub survey methodology to Geographe Commonwealth Marine Reserve
Lawrence E, Hovey R, Harvey E, Kendrick G, Hayes KR and Williams S (2016). Application of NERP Biodiversity Hub survey methodology to Geographe Commonwealth Marine Reserve. Report to the National Environmental Research Program, Marine Biodiversity Hub. CSIRO
Technical report – NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub (July 2015 to June 2021)
Mapping shelf rocky reef habitats in the Hunter Commonwealth Marine Reserve
Davies PL, Ingleton T, Jordan A, and Barrett N (2016). Mapping Shelf Rocky Reef Habitats in the Hunter Commonwealth Marine Reserve. Report to the National Environmental Science Programme, Marine Biodiversity Hub. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
Technical report – NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub (July 2015 to June 2021)
Identification and collation of Australia’s shelf mapping datasets and development of a national geomorphological classification scheme for reef systems – Phase 1 Workshop Report
Lucieer V, Huang Z, Porter-Smith R, Nichol S, Barrett N and Hayes K (2016). Identification and collation of Australia’s shelf mapping datasets and development of a national geomorphological classification scheme for reef systems - Phase 1 Workshop Report. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Marine Biodiversity Hub, University of Tasmania.
Technical report – NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub (July 2015 to June 2021)
Collation of existing shelf reef mapping data and gap identification – Phase 1 Final Report Shelf reef key ecological features
Lucieer V, Porter-Smith R, Nichol S, Monk J, and Barrett N (2016). Collation of existing shelf reef mapping data and gap identification. Phase 1 Final Report - Shelf reef key ecological features. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Marine Biodiversity Hub, University of Tasmania.
Technical report – NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub (July 2015 to June 2021)
Biological and habitat feature descriptions for the continental shelves of Australia’s temperate-water marine parks – including collation of existing mapping in all AMPs
Monk J, Williams J, Barrett N, Jordan A, Lucieer V, Althaus F, Nichol S (2017). Biological and habitat feature descriptions for the continental shelves of Australia’s temperate-water marine parks- including collation of existing mapping in all AMPs. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine Biodiversity Hub. Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania.