Data inventory

File type: Excel

McLean D, Ierodiaconou D, Jordan A, Carroll A, Delefosse M, Depczynski M, Edge W, Flagg D, Gaudin C, Hansen, J, Huang Z, Klaassen M, Langlois T, Lester E, Mc Cormack S, Nanson R, Navarro M, Nichol S, Parsons M, Schläppy M-LS, Speed C, Spencer C, Sprogis K, Thums M, Young M, Todd V, Wells J, Wenderlich M (2024). Offshore wind farm bathymetry and sediments inventory. Guiding research and best practice standards for the sustainable development of offshore renewables and other emerging marine industries in Australia. Research Report to the National Environmental Science Program.

December 2024


This Offshore wind farm bathymetry and sediments inventory is one of four data inventories prepared as part of this project. Also available are the:

  • Offshore wind farm impacts inventory
  • Offshore wind farm species inventory
  • Offshore wind farm best practice inventory

Australia is entering a phase of rapid offshore renewable energy (ORE) development, with several areas declared to support offshore wind farm (OWF) developments off the east, southern, and south-west coasts. This report aims to establish inventories of existing environmental information and best-practice standards to inform the research required to support decision-making applicable to OWF development. These inventories and best-practice standards can be used by regulators, industry, and the research community to inform developments. This includes relevant regional seabed, oceanographic and threatened species information, and requirements for baseline assessments and ongoing monitoring (including best practice standards) to understand and mitigate impacts over the life of an OWF project. It also includes publicly available information on Indigenous communities and values adjacent to the offshore wind areas. The report provides accompanying data inventories that identify existing information and methods generated by researchers to inform the planning, development, operation, and decommissioning phases of the offshore wind sector. The inventory of environmental factors also informs the identification of key knowledge gaps required for OWF assessment and monitoring. Ocean Best Practice guidelines are described that are required to evaluate relevant environmental values and associated impacts and risks. Three short case studies are presented focused on potential impacts: those from impulsive noise from pile-driving on receptors; the effect of Australia’s seabed substrate on the foundation requirements to install and operate a wind turbine; and assessment of key oceanographic impacts. The key international ORE environmental research programs are described.