Archer R, Talbot L, Marshall C, Hunter C, Muir B, Manuwuri Forester T, Wren E, Bedford K, Johnson M, Singleton G, Singleton B, Smith T, Chartrand K, Wright J, Coulombe R, and Hedge P (2023). AMSA Conference Indigenous Workshop Summary. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.
The Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) 2022 (Cairns) Indigenous Workshop provided a national-scale Indigenous-led event with the aim to generate shared understanding about Indigenous science networks and Sea Country research priorities in Australia and identify options for advancing a nationally coordinated approach to Indigenous led sea-country research and monitoring.
The AMSA Indigenous Workshop was the 7th consecutive workshop to be held and the most significant to date in terms of Indigenous leadership and attendance. The workshop was able to provide the invitees with the opportunity to participate in discussions with other Indigenous Peoples from across Australia and to discuss and understand the benefits of, and opportunities for, advancing a nationally coordinated approach to Indigenous marine science.
The 2-day Workshop was planned and convened with the guidance of the AMSA 2022 Indigenous Working Group. Considerable planning support, logistics and funding was provided by the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub and The Traditional Owner Partnerships team in the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, who funded Traditional Owners from the Great Barrier Reef to attend this workshop. The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) provided support and resources to convene the workshop. Sponsorship for travel costs and conference registration fees for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders was provided by a broad range of organisations (see acknowledgements section at the front of the report). All of these contributors and others are sincerely thanked for their commitment and support and very much appreciated by all who attended the workshop.