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Showing 42 of 107

Technical report – Project 3.20

Blue Carbon in Australia: understanding the opportunity for Indigenous People (2024)

Grace P and Holmes J, 2024. Blue Carbon in Australia: understanding the opportunity for Indigenous People (2024). Indigenous Carbon Industry Network Ltd, Cairns Australia.

Technical report – Project 3.10

2023 Dugong Aerial Survey: Mission Beach to Cape York

Cleguer C, Hamel MA, Rankin RW, Langlois L, Edwards C, Marsh H (2024) ‘2023 Dugong Aerial Survey: Mission Beach to Cape York’, JCU Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research Publication 24/43, Townsville. 61pp.

Technical report – Project 3.1

Creating a pipeline for sustainable and inclusive development: A research synthesis for developing new pathways for the northern Australia

Dale, A.P. (2024). Creating a pipeline for sustainable and inclusive development: A research synthesis for developing new pathways for the northern Australia. A joint report for the Cooperative Research Centre for Northern Australia (CRCNA), Townsville and Reef and Rainforest Research Centre (RRRC), Cairns.

Technical report – Project 2.5

We like to fish: characterising the recreational fishing population and designing messages to improve compliance

Mahony T, Adams VM, Navarro M, Jarvis D, Gelves-Gomez F, Stoeckl N, Chuah SH (2023) We like to fish: characterising the recreational fishing population and designing messages to improve compliance. Report to the National Environmental Science Program and to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. University of Tasmania.

Technical report – Project 1.11

Integration, analysis and publication of the Australian Surface Elevation Table-Marker Horizon dataset

Saintilan N, Sun Y (2022) Integration, analysis and publication of the Australian Surface Elevation Table-Marker Horizon Dataset. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Macquarie University

Technical report – Project 1.29

Great Reef Census – a case study to integrate citizen science data into research output for marine habitat management

Lawson C. L., Mumby P., Roelfsema C., Chartrand K., Kolluru A., Shi H., Tan A., Yuan Toh Z., Ganesan C., Navindra Kothalawal V., Iyengar A., Senn N., Vozzo B., Uusitalo J. and A. Ridley, 2023. Great Reef Census - a case study to integrate citizen science data into research output for marine habitat management. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.29

Defining a pathway for the operational use of emerging technologies on Country

Perry J, Perdevich J, McCreedy E, and Pearse M (2023). Defining a pathway for the operational use of emerging technologies on Country. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. NAILSMA. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 3.10

2022 Dugong Aerial Survey: Mission Beach to Moreton Bay

Cleguer C, Hamel M, Rankin RW, Genson A, Edwards C, Collins K, Crowe M, Choukroun S, Marsh H (2023). ‘2022 Dugong Aerial Survey: Mission Beach to Moreton Bay’, JCU Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research Publication 23/44, Townsville. https://doi.org/10.25903/s661-1j55

Technical report – Project 1.21

Australia’s migratory shorebirds: trends and prospects

Rogers A, Fuller RA and Amano T (2023) Australia’s migratory shorebirds: trends and prospects. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Technical report – Project 2.4

National Outfall Database: outfall ranking based on 2020/2021 nutrient loads discharge

Rohmana QA, Fischer A and Gemmill J (2023) National Outfall Database: outfall ranking based on 2020/2021 nutrient loads discharge. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Clean Ocean Foundation and University of Tasmania.

Technical report – Project 2.7

Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) from an aerial survey off southern Australia

Smith JN, Double M, Evans K and Kelly N (2023) Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) from an aerial survey off southern Australia: Final Report on 2022 survey. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Murdoch University (Lead organisation).

Technical report – Project 1.32

An inventory of northern Australia’s seagrass data

McKenna S, Carter A, Smit N, McMahon K, and Coles R (2023). An inventory of northern Australia’s seagrass data. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.32

Supporting regional planning in northern Australia: a scoping study

Dale A, Sheppard M, Burrows D, and Williams Y (2022). Supporting regional planning in northern Australia: A scoping study. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.31

AMSA Conference Indigenous Workshop summary

Archer R, Talbot L, Marshall C, Hunter C, Muir B, Manuwuri Forester T, Wren E, Bedford K, Johnson M, Singleton G, Singleton B, Smith T, Chartrand K, Wright J, Coulombe R, and Hedge P (2023). AMSA Conference Indigenous Workshop Summary. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.31

Indigenous participation and research needs

Archer R, Cooke P, Perry J (2022). Project 1.31: Indigenous participation and research needs. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.30

National assessment of climate-driven species redistribution using citizen science data

Wolfe B, Kjeldsen S, Strugnell J, Watson SA, and Pecl G (2022). National assessment of climate-driven species redistribution using citizen science data. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.29

New approaches to monitoring: maximising the utility of opportunistic and citizen science datasets for conservation management

Evans K, Patterson T, Peel D (2023). Scoping study: New approaches to monitoring. Subcomponent: Maximising the utility of opportunistic and citizen science datasets for conservation management. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.

Technical report – Project 1.25

Sawfish bycatch mitigation workshop for northern Australian fisheries

Pillans R, Patterson T, and Donovan A (2022). Sawfish bycatch mitigation workshop for northern Australian fisheries. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.24

A pilot study into the movement and dispersal of sawfishes

Gleiss A, Harry A, Hounslow J, Windstein M, Braccini M, Karajarri R, Travers M (2022). A pilot study into the movement and dispersal of sawfishes. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.15

Coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon in Australia

Hagger V, Stewart-Sinclair P, Rossini R, Waltham NJ, Ronan M, Adame MF, Lavery P, Glamore W and Lovelock CE (2022). Coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon in Australia. Values-based approach for selecting restoration sites. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.14

The role of dugong and turtle grazing in Torres Strait seagrass declines

Scott AL, Whap T, Kris J, Joe S, Carlisle M, David M, Rasheed MA, York PH and Carter AB (2022). The role of dugong and turtle grazing in Torres Strait seagrass declines: Exclusion experiments show the role of green turtle and dugong grazing in structuring Torres Strait seagrass meadows. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.20

An inventory of dugong aerial surveys in Australia

Cleguer C and Marsh H 2023. An inventory of dugong aerial surveys in Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWATER), Report 23/15, James Cook University.

Technical report – Project 1.13

Four decades of seagrass spatial data from Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria

Carter A, McKenna S, Rasheed M, Taylor H, van de Wetering C, Chartrand K, Reason C, Collier C, Shepherd L, Mellors J, McKenzie L, Roelofs A, Smit N, Groom R, Barrett D, Evans S, Pitcher R, Murphy N, Duke N, Carlisle M, David M, Lui S, Pearson L, Laza T, Bon A, and Coles R (2022). Four Decades of Seagrass Spatial Data from Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.12

Mapping critical habitat in Yanyuwa Sea Country

Groom R, Carter A, Collier C, Firby L, Evans S, Barrett S, Hoffmann L, van de Wetering C, Shepherd L, Evans S, Anderson S (2023). Mapping Critical Habitat in Yanyuwa Sea Country. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Charles Darwin University.

Technical report – Project 1.6

A roadmap for coordinated landscape-scale coastal and marine ecosystem restoration

Saunders M, Waltham N, Cannard T, Sheppard M, Fischer M, Twomey A, BishopM, Boody K, Callaghan D, Fulton B, Lovelock C, Mayer Pinto M, McLeod I, McPherson T, Morris R, Pomeroy A, Ronan M, Swearer S, Steven A (2022). A roadmap for coordinated landscape-scale coastal and marine ecosystem restoration. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.1

Scoping study: Protected Place Management Initiative

Gordon I and Dunstan P (2022). Scoping study: Protected Place Management Initiative. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.26

Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales from an aerial survey off southern Australia (2021)

Smith JN, Double M, Kelly N, Charlton C and Bannister J (2022) Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales from an aerial survey off southern Australia: Final Report on 2021 survey. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Murdoch University.

Technical report – Project 1.20

Marine and coastal threatened species and communities scoping study sub-component: seabirds and marine mammals (excluding dugongs)

Evans K (2022). Marine and coastal threatened species and communities scoping study sub-component: Seabirds and marine mammals (excluding dugongs). Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere.

Technical report – Project 1.18

Microplastics in South Eastern Australian coastal waters: synthesising current data and identifying key knowledge gaps for the management of plastic pollution

Reis-Santos P, Wootton N, Leterme S, Wilson S, Blewitt M, Swearer S, Noble W, Gillanders BM (2022) Microplastics in South Eastern Australian coastal waters: synthesising current data and identifying key knowledge gaps for the management of plastic pollution. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. The University of Adelaide.

Technical report – Project 1.17

Integrated data requirements for natural resource management

Stoeckl N, Adams V, Larson S, Mahony T, Steel R, Allen S, Emmerling M, Jarvis D, Ogier E, Navarro M, Chuah, SH, Langlois T and Pecl G (2022) Integrated data requirements for natural resource management, Report to the Resilient Landscapes Hub of the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program. University of Tasmania, Hobart.

Technical report – Project 1.16

Research needs for the assessment and monitoring of nutrients, chemicals and antimicrobials in the marine environment

Trestrail C, Tondl E, Fischer A, Potts J, Scanes P, Seymour J and Doblin M ( 2022) Research needs for the assessment and monitoring of nutrients, chemicals and antimicrobials in the marine environment: scoping study. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of Technology Sydney.

Technical report – Project 1.10

Current extent and future opportunities for living shorelines in Australia

Rebecca L Morris, Erin Campbell-Hooper, Melanie J Bishop, Catherine E Lovelock, Ryan J Lowe, Elisabeth MA Strain, Sean D Connell, Bronwyn M Gillanders, Lindsay B Hutley, Mariana Mayer-Pinto, Megan I Saunders, Nathan J Waltham and Stephen E Swearer (2022) Current extent and future opportunities for living shorelines in Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. National Centre for Coasts and Climate, University of Melbourne.

Technical report – Project 1.9

Quantifying the ecosystem services of the Great Southern Reef

Eger AM, Bennett S, Zimmerhackel J, Rogers A, Burton M, Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Gacutan J, Milligan B, Vergés A (2022) Quantifying the ecosystem services of the Great Southern Reef. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of New South Wales.

Technical report – Project 1.8

Inclusion of sediment processes in restoration strategies for Australian seagrass ecosystems

Gribben PE, Jongen R, Ferguson A, Marzinelli EM, Verges A, Kendrick GA (2022) Inclusion of sediment processes in restoration strategies for Australian seagrass ecosystems. Report to the National Environmental Science Program Marine and Coastal Hub. University of New South Wales.

Technical report – Project 1.23

Conservation of Spotted Handfish and their habitats

Lynch TP, Soo L, McEnnulty F and Devine C (2022) Conservation of Spotted Handfish and their habitats - Annual report. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.

Technical report – Project 1.22

A photo-identification study of southern right whales to update aggregation area classification in the southwest of Australia

Salgado Kent CP, Burton C, Giroud M and Elsdon B (2022) A photo-identification study of southern right whales to update aggregation area classification in the southwest of Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Edith Cowan University.

Technical report – Project 1.33

Application of environmental DNA to survey Bathurst Harbour (Tasmania) for the Endangered Maugean Skate (Zearaja maugeana)

Moreno D, Patil J, Deagle B and Semmens JM (2022) Application of environmental DNA to survey Bathurst Harbour (Tasmania) for the endangered Maugean skate (Zearaja maugeana). Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania.

Technical report – Project 1.2

National areas of interest for seabed mapping, characterisation and biodiversity assessment: scoping study

Leplastrier A, Althaus F, Monk J, Hurst L, Lennard N, Nichol S (2022) National areas of interest for seabed mapping, characterisation and biodiversity assessment: scoping study. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Geoscience Australia.

Technical report – Project 1.7

Towards a consolidated and open-science framework for restoration monitoring

McDougall C, Cole V, Connolly RM (2022) Towards a consolidated and open-science framework for restoration monitoring. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Griffith University.

Technical report – Project 1.5

Scoping for an Australian Wetland Inventory: Identify knowledge gaps and solutions for extent mapping of Australian marine and coastal wetlands

Brock RJ, Rasmussen J, Adame MF, Brown CJ, Connolly RM (2022) Identifying knowledge gaps and solutions for extent mapping of Australian marine and coastal wetlands, Project 1.5 Scoping study. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine and Coastal Hub. Griffith University.

Technical report – Project 1.4

South-west Corner Marine Park Survey Report

Langlois T, Spencer C, Griffin K, Gibbons B, Navarro M, Giraldo A, Webb W, Webb Z, Carey G, Guilfoyle D, Monk J, Huang Z, Nichol S, Barrett N (2022) South-west Corner Marine Park Survey Report. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of Western Australia.

Technical report – Project 1.3

Designing a targeted monitoring program to support evidence-based management of Australian Marine Parks

Dunstan PK, Woolley SNC, Monk J, Barrett N, Hayes KR, Foster S, Howe SA, Logan D, Samson CR, Francis SO (2023) Designing a targeted monitoring program to support evidence-based management of Australian Marine Parks: National Implementation. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.