Technical report

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Evans, K (2024). Identifying priority datasets of relevance to the Gippsland declaration area and pathways for their use in decision making - Appendices. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.

December 2024


This project was undertaken across the period August 2023 to April 2024 with the aim of identifying datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area. In doing so it aimed to:

  1. Identify datasets and information sources relevant to priority species identified by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA for the Gippsland declaration area;
  2. Identify the source of these datasets and information and their level of accessibility;
  3. Evaluate the utility of datasets and information identified in 2) for assessments/regulatory processes required to be undertaken by DCCEEW and NOPSEMA; and
  4. Identify what activities would need to be undertaken to improve the accessibility and utility of datasets and information sources identified in 3) that are not currently accessible in useable formats.

This project provides a starting point in gathering information on datasets, data products for such an exercise and provides direction on the activities that will need to be focused on to progress meeting the information needs for assessment processes. It has engaged Commonwealth and State agencies, the research community and industry in its activities and delivered information throughout the lifetime of the project directly to relevant Commonwealth agencies and the ORE industry.