
Technical report – Project 3.21

Identifying priority datasets of relevance to the Gippsland declaration area and pathways for their use in decision making – Appendices

Evans, K (2024). Identifying priority datasets of relevance to the Gippsland declaration area and pathways for their use in decision making - Appendices. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.

Technical report – Project 3.21

Identifying priority datasets of relevance to the Gippsland declaration area and pathways for their use in decision making

Evans, K (2024). Identifying priority datasets of relevance to the Gippsland declaration area and pathways for their use in decision making. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.

Technical report – Project 1.20

Scoping study: marine and coastal threatened species and communities

Kyne P (2023) Project 1.20 scoping study: marine and coastal threatened species and communities. Sharks and rays. Report to the National Environmental Science Program.

Technical report – Project 3.10

2023 Dugong Aerial Survey: Mission Beach to Cape York

Cleguer C, Hamel MA, Rankin RW, Langlois L, Edwards C, Marsh H (2024) ‘2023 Dugong Aerial Survey: Mission Beach to Cape York’, JCU Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research Publication 24/43, Townsville. 61pp.

Fact sheet – Project 4.11

Project 4.11 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2024). Improving the health of seagrass and turtles – Pulu-Keeling National Park. Project 4.11 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 4.5

Project 4.5 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2024). Developing Integrated Pest Management for feral pigs. Project 4.5 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.25

Sawfish bycatch mitigation workshop for northern Australian fisheries

Pillans R, Patterson T, and Donovan A (2022). Sawfish bycatch mitigation workshop for northern Australian fisheries. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.25

Project 1.25 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). Sawfish bycatch mitigation workshop for northern Australia fisheries. Project 1.25 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.14

Project 1.14 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). The role of dugong and turtle grazing in Torres Strait seagrass declines. Project 1.14 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.20

Marine and coastal threatened species and communities scoping study sub-component: seabirds and marine mammals (excluding dugongs)

Evans K (2022). Marine and coastal threatened species and communities scoping study sub-component: Seabirds and marine mammals (excluding dugongs). Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere.