Kyne P (2023) Project 1.20 scoping study: marine and coastal threatened species and communities. Sharks and rays. Report to the National Environmental Science Program.
Australia has the single highest shark, ray, and chimaera diversity of any country globally with 328 species comprising 182 sharks, 132 rays, and 14 chimaeras. Twenty-five species are listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Knowledge gaps have been identified for all of these species with research needs in the fields of resolving taxonomy, clarifying geographic range, monitoring population trend, understating life history, and assessing population connectivity. This report is part of a Marine and Coastal Hub scoping project to guide future hub investment in priority species and knowledge gaps. It reports on an online survey and a workshop that engaged Australian shark researchers, managers, policymakers, and end-users aimed to solicit issues, research needs, and priorities related to management.