Project 4.24
Assessing the ecological values of the reefs of the southern Gulf of Carpentaria
Completed project
Fact sheet – Project 3.18
Project 3.18 Information sheet
NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2023). Citizen science: reef monitoring for management. Project 3.18 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.
Technical report – Project 1.29
Great Reef Census – a case study to integrate citizen science data into research output for marine habitat management
Lawson C. L., Mumby P., Roelfsema C., Chartrand K., Kolluru A., Shi H., Tan A., Yuan Toh Z., Ganesan C., Navindra Kothalawal V., Iyengar A., Senn N., Vozzo B., Uusitalo J. and A. Ridley, 2023. Great Reef Census - a case study to integrate citizen science data into research output for marine habitat management. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.