
Fact sheet – Project 2.2

Field Manuals for Marine Sampling to Monitor Australian Waters: Version 3.0 – fact sheet

Przeslawski R (2024) Field manuals for marine sampling to monitor Australian waters Version 3.0. Fact sheet. National Environmental Science Program.

Technical report – Project 2.2

Advancing national standards and best practices to monitor key marine values and pressures – final report

Przeslawski R, Gibbons B, Gillanders B, Hamre N, Langlois T, Monk J, Navarro M, Pini-Fitzsimmons J, Reis-Santos P, Wootton N (2024). Advancing National Standards and Best Practices to Monitor Key Marine Values and Pressures: Final Report of NESP Project 2.2. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. NSW Department of Primary Industries: Huskisson.

Journal article – Project 2.2

Developing an ocean best practice: a case study of marine sampling practices from Australia

Przeslawski R, Barrett N, Carroll A, Foster S, Gibbons B, Jordan A, Monk J, Langlois T, Lara-Lopez A, Pearlman J, Picard K, PiniFitzsimmons J, van Ruth P and Williams J (2023) Developing an ocean best practice: A case study of marine sampling practices from Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science. Ocean Observation Section. Vol 10 2023.

Technical report – Project 1.30

National assessment of climate-driven species redistribution using citizen science data

Wolfe B, Kjeldsen S, Strugnell J, Watson SA, and Pecl G (2022). National assessment of climate-driven species redistribution using citizen science data. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.30

Project 1.30 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). National assessment of climate-driven species redistribution using citizen science data. Project 1.30 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.4

South-west Corner Marine Park Survey Report

Langlois T, Spencer C, Griffin K, Gibbons B, Navarro M, Giraldo A, Webb W, Webb Z, Carey G, Guilfoyle D, Monk J, Huang Z, Nichol S, Barrett N (2022) South-west Corner Marine Park Survey Report. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of Western Australia.