
30 September 2024

Welcome to the September 2024 issue of The Blue Drummer, the newsletter of the National Environmental Science Program Marine and Coastal Hub.

A big event for the hub this month was the joint Australian Marine Sciences Association and New Zealand Marine Sciences Society 2024 Conference held at Hobart. More than 800 delegates attended the five-day event that brought together researchers and research users for discussions on ‘Navigating uncertainty for a future sustainable ocean’.

Hub projects featured in presentations on offshore renewable energy, partnerships for sea Country, underwater imagery and threatened species. The symposium ‘Better together – partnerships for better sea County outcomes’ highlighted Indigenous research leadership. Several talks demonstrated the coming together of traditional songlines and scientific surveys to explore ancient submerged coastlines in Australian Marine Parks. The symposium ‘Research to support the sustainable development of offshore renewables energy in Australia' highlighted the complexity of research associated with this emerging marine industry.

Other stories in this issue cover carbon markets and a roadmap for development in northern Australia, reef monitoring with citizen science data, and healthy dugong numbers in far north Queensland. The 2023 Dugong Aerial Survey estimates nearly 7,000 dugongs in the Mission Beach to Cape York region, almost double the numbers reported for central and southern Queensland.

We also feature field research that revisited slumbering sharks in Beagle Marine Park (and the ‘pilot' who captured the footage) and habitat mapping by Australian sea lions! Both stories attracted extensive media interest.

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Jordan, Marine and Coastal Hub southern node leader
Damien Burrows, Marine and Coastal Hub northern node leader

Hobart AMSA-NZMSS Conference celebrates research collaboration

Indigenous research leadership, offshore renewable energy and underwater imagery were major themes at this year's record-breaking event. 

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Facilitating First Nations People's participation in environmental markets

Indigenous Carbon Industry Network report makes recommendations for projects that support environmental and cultural sustainability.

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Girls-only shark slumber party spotted during Beagle Marine Park survey

Researchers were excited to renew acquaintances with shivers of Port Jackson sharks snoozing in the twilight zone.

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Dugong survey reveals thriving far north Queensland population

The 2023 Dugong Aerial Survey estimates nearly 7,000 dugongs in the region, almost double the numbers reported in central and southern Queensland.

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Meet Justin Hulls: master pilot of underwater robots

It's video games for real when your job involves flying robots across the seafloor to monitor life in Australian Marine Parks.

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Roadmap released for sustainable development of Australia's north

The report focuses on enhancing the region’s economic future while addressing social and environmental challenges.

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Australian sea lions wearing cameras and trackers map new habitats

Australian sealions equipped with cameras and trackers have proven an effective way to map large, remote areas of seafloor habitat.

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Citizen science enables quick access to reef health data

Artificial intelligence technology is being applied to analyse publicly collected data and generate reliable information for use in decision-making.

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Here's the ‘who, what and why' of Marine and Coastal Hub research

This collection of two-page overviews summarises national needs, research activities, collaborators and outcomes for research users.

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