Completed project
Journal article – Project 1.11
Vertical accretion trends in Australian tidal wetlands
Saintilan N, Sun Y, Lovelock CE, Rogers K, Goddard M, Hutley LB, Kelleway J, Mosley L, Dittmann S, Cormier N, Lal KK and Jones A (2023). Vertical accretion trends in Australian tidal wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts 47:2057–2070. Special issue: wetland elevation dynamics. 27 September 2023.
Technical report – Project 2.4
National Outfall Database: outfall ranking based on 2020/2021 nutrient loads discharge
Rohmana QA, Fischer A and Gemmill J (2023) National Outfall Database: outfall ranking based on 2020/2021 nutrient loads discharge. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Clean Ocean Foundation and University of Tasmania.
Journal article – Project 1.18
Research priorities on microplastics in marine and coastal environments: An Australian perspective to advance global action
Wootton N, Gillanders BM, Leterme S, Noble W, Wilson SP, Blewitt M, Swearer SE, Reis-Santos P (2024). Research priorities on microplastics in marine and coastal environments: An Australian perspective to advance global action. Marine Pollution Bulletin 205 (2024) 116660.
Fact sheet – Project 3.4
Project 3.4 Information sheet
NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2023). Building knowledge for healthy northern Australian catchments and coasts. Project 3.4 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.
Journal article – Project 1.11
Constraints on the adjustment of tidal marshes to accelerating sea level rise
Saintilan N, Kovalenko KE, Guntenspergen G, Rogers K, Lynch JC, Cahoon DR, Lovelock CE, Friess DA, Ashe E, Krauss KW, Cormier N, Spencer T, Adams J, Raw J, Ibanez C, Scarton F, Temmerman S, Meire P, Maris T, Thorne K and 13 others (2022) Science. 377, 6605, pp 523–527.
Technical report – Project 1.31
AMSA Conference Indigenous Workshop summary
Archer R, Talbot L, Marshall C, Hunter C, Muir B, Manuwuri Forester T, Wren E, Bedford K, Johnson M, Singleton G, Singleton B, Smith T, Chartrand K, Wright J, Coulombe R, and Hedge P (2023). AMSA Conference Indigenous Workshop Summary. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.
Technical report – Project 1.18
Microplastics in South Eastern Australian coastal waters: synthesising current data and identifying key knowledge gaps for the management of plastic pollution
Reis-Santos P, Wootton N, Leterme S, Wilson S, Blewitt M, Swearer S, Noble W, Gillanders BM (2022) Microplastics in South Eastern Australian coastal waters: synthesising current data and identifying key knowledge gaps for the management of plastic pollution. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. The University of Adelaide.
Technical report – Project 1.16
Research needs for the assessment and monitoring of nutrients, chemicals and antimicrobials in the marine environment
Trestrail C, Tondl E, Fischer A, Potts J, Scanes P, Seymour J and Doblin M ( 2022) Research needs for the assessment and monitoring of nutrients, chemicals and antimicrobials in the marine environment: scoping study. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of Technology Sydney.
Technical report – Project 1.5
Scoping for an Australian Wetland Inventory: Identify knowledge gaps and solutions for extent mapping of Australian marine and coastal wetlands
Brock RJ, Rasmussen J, Adame MF, Brown CJ, Connolly RM (2022) Identifying knowledge gaps and solutions for extent mapping of Australian marine and coastal wetlands, Project 1.5 Scoping study. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine and Coastal Hub. Griffith University.
Dataset – Project 1.8
Locations and health of beachcast fragments of Posidonia in Botany Bay
Dataset – Project 1.11