Project 4.24
Assessing the ecological values of the reefs of the southern Gulf of Carpentaria
Completed project
Technical report – Project 2.3
Improving knowledge transfer to support Australian Marine Park decision making and management effectiveness evaluation
Hayes KR, Walsh P, Barrett N, Cook CN, Dunstan P, Flukes E, Francis S, Grammer G, Hosack GR, Howe S, Ierodiaconou D, Langlois T, Lawrey E, Logan D, Lucieer V, Monk J, Williams J, and Woolley SNC (2024). Improving knowledge transfer to support Australian Marine Park decision making and management effectiveness evaluation. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO, Hobart, Australia.
Technical report – Project 2.1
Improving seabed habitat predictions for southern Australia
Monk J, Langlois T, Spencer C, Woolley S, Flukes E, Gibbons B, Bastiaansen A, Hulls J, Grammer G, Hayes K, Dunstan P, Colbung S, Reynolds R, Guilfoyle D, Lavers J, Webb IW, Webb W, Barrett N, Lucieer V (2024). Improving seabed habitat predictions for southern Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of Tasmania.
Fact sheet – Project 2.2
Field Manuals for Marine Sampling to Monitor Australian Waters: Version 3.0 – fact sheet
Przeslawski R (2024) Field manuals for marine sampling to monitor Australian waters Version 3.0. Fact sheet. National Environmental Science Program.
Technical report – Project 2.6
Mapping critical Australian sea lion habitat to assess ecological value and risks to population recovery
Goldsworthy SD, Angelakis N, Kirkwood R, Connell SD, Grammer GL, Holman D, Furley D (2024). Mapping critical Australian sea lion habitat to assess ecological value and risks to population recovery. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. South Australia Research and Development Institute (Aquatic and Livestock Sciences).
Technical report – Project 2.2
Advancing national standards and best practices to monitor key marine values and pressures – final report
Przeslawski R, Gibbons B, Gillanders B, Hamre N, Langlois T, Monk J, Navarro M, Pini-Fitzsimmons J, Reis-Santos P, Wootton N (2024). Advancing National Standards and Best Practices to Monitor Key Marine Values and Pressures: Final Report of NESP Project 2.2. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. NSW Department of Primary Industries: Huskisson.
Fact sheet
Marine and Coastal Hub research overview 3: Indigenous research leadership
Marine and Coastal Hub research overview 3: Indigenous research leadership (2024) National Environmental Science Program.
Fact sheet
Marine and Coastal Hub research overview 5: Protected places
Research overview 5: Protected places (2024) National Environmental Science Program.
Journal article – Project 2.6
Using sea lion-borne video to map diverse benthic habitats in southern Australia
Angelakis N, Grammer GL, Connell S, Bailleul F, Durante LM, Kirkwood R, Holman D and Goldsworthy SD (2024) Using sea lion-borne video to map diverse benthic habitats in southern Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science Ocean Observation. Vol 11.
Fact sheet – Project 4.24
Project 4.24 Information sheet
NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2024). Assessing the ecological values of the reefs of the southern Gulf of Carpentaria. Project 4.24 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.
Journal article – Project 2.2
Developing an ocean best practice: a case study of marine sampling practices from Australia
Przeslawski R, Barrett N, Carroll A, Foster S, Gibbons B, Jordan A, Monk J, Langlois T, Lara-Lopez A, Pearlman J, Picard K, PiniFitzsimmons J, van Ruth P and Williams J (2023) Developing an ocean best practice: A case study of marine sampling practices from Australia. Frontiers in Marine Science. Ocean Observation Section. Vol 10 2023.
Technical report – Project 1.2
National areas of interest for seabed mapping, characterisation and biodiversity assessment: scoping study
Leplastrier A, Althaus F, Monk J, Hurst L, Lennard N, Nichol S (2022) National areas of interest for seabed mapping, characterisation and biodiversity assessment: scoping study. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Geoscience Australia.
Technical report – Project 1.3
Designing a targeted monitoring program to support evidence-based management of Australian Marine Parks
Dunstan PK, Woolley SNC, Monk J, Barrett N, Hayes KR, Foster S, Howe SA, Logan D, Samson CR, Francis SO (2023) Designing a targeted monitoring program to support evidence-based management of Australian Marine Parks: National Implementation. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. CSIRO.