
Completed project


Journal article – Project 1.15

Lessons learned on the feasibility of coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon and co-benefits in Australia

Valerie Hagger, Phoebe Stewart-Sinclair, Renee Anne Rossini, Maria Fernanda Adame, William Glamore, Paul Lavery, Nathan J Waltham, Catherine E Lovelock (2024). Lessons learned on the feasibility of coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon and co-benefits in Australia, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 369.

Technical report – Project 3.15

Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales from an aerial survey off southern Australia (2023 survey report)

Smith JN, Double M and Kelly N (2024) Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) from an aerial survey off southern Australia: Final Report on 2023 survey. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Murdoch University (Lead organisation).

Fact sheet

Marine and Coastal Hub research overview 4: Marine and coastal habitat restoration

Research overview 4: Marine and coastal habitat restoration (2024) National Environmental Science Program.

Fact sheet – Project 4.13

Project 4.13 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2024). Assessing and mapping northern Australia’s endangered shellfish reefs. Project 4.13 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 4.12

Project 4.12 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2024). Gulf of Carpentaria mangrove dieback – research to support recovery management. Project 4.12 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 2.7

Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) from an aerial survey off southern Australia

Smith JN, Double M, Evans K and Kelly N (2023) Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) from an aerial survey off southern Australia: Final Report on 2022 survey. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Murdoch University (Lead organisation).

Technical report – Project 1.31

Indigenous participation and research needs

Archer R, Cooke P, Perry J (2022). Project 1.31: Indigenous participation and research needs. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.31

Project 1.31 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). Scoping Study: Indigenous Participation and Research Needs. Project 1.31 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.15

Project 1.15 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). Coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon in northern Australia. Project 1.15 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.14

Project 1.14 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). The role of dugong and turtle grazing in Torres Strait seagrass declines. Project 1.14 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.13

Four decades of seagrass spatial data from Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria

Carter A, McKenna S, Rasheed M, Taylor H, van de Wetering C, Chartrand K, Reason C, Collier C, Shepherd L, Mellors J, McKenzie L, Roelofs A, Smit N, Groom R, Barrett D, Evans S, Pitcher R, Murphy N, Duke N, Carlisle M, David M, Lui S, Pearson L, Laza T, Bon A, and Coles R (2022). Four Decades of Seagrass Spatial Data from Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.13

Project 1.13 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). Synthesising three decades of seagrass spatial data from Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria. Project 1.13 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.12

Project 1.12 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). Mapping critical habitat in Yanyuwa Sea Country. Project 1.12 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.6

A roadmap for coordinated landscape-scale coastal and marine ecosystem restoration

Saunders M, Waltham N, Cannard T, Sheppard M, Fischer M, Twomey A, BishopM, Boody K, Callaghan D, Fulton B, Lovelock C, Mayer Pinto M, McLeod I, McPherson T, Morris R, Pomeroy A, Ronan M, Swearer S, Steven A (2022). A roadmap for coordinated landscape-scale coastal and marine ecosystem restoration. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre. Cairns, Queensland.

Fact sheet – Project 1.6

Project 1.6 Information sheet

NESP Marine and Coastal Hub (2021). A roadmap for coordinated landscape-scale coastal and marine ecosystem restoration. Project 1.6 Information sheet. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland.

Technical report – Project 1.26

Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales from an aerial survey off southern Australia (2021)

Smith JN, Double M, Kelly N, Charlton C and Bannister J (2022) Relative abundance of the ‘western’ population of southern right whales from an aerial survey off southern Australia: Final Report on 2021 survey. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Murdoch University.

Technical report – Project 1.10

Current extent and future opportunities for living shorelines in Australia

Rebecca L Morris, Erin Campbell-Hooper, Melanie J Bishop, Catherine E Lovelock, Ryan J Lowe, Elisabeth MA Strain, Sean D Connell, Bronwyn M Gillanders, Lindsay B Hutley, Mariana Mayer-Pinto, Megan I Saunders, Nathan J Waltham and Stephen E Swearer (2022) Current extent and future opportunities for living shorelines in Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. National Centre for Coasts and Climate, University of Melbourne.

Technical report – Project 1.9

Quantifying the ecosystem services of the Great Southern Reef

Eger AM, Bennett S, Zimmerhackel J, Rogers A, Burton M, Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Gacutan J, Milligan B, Vergés A (2022) Quantifying the ecosystem services of the Great Southern Reef. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. University of New South Wales.

Technical report – Project 1.22

A photo-identification study of southern right whales to update aggregation area classification in the southwest of Australia

Salgado Kent CP, Burton C, Giroud M and Elsdon B (2022) A photo-identification study of southern right whales to update aggregation area classification in the southwest of Australia. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Edith Cowan University.

Technical report – Project 1.7

Towards a consolidated and open-science framework for restoration monitoring

McDougall C, Cole V, Connolly RM (2022) Towards a consolidated and open-science framework for restoration monitoring. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Griffith University.